Thursday, May 14, 2015


This assignment demonstrates PLO 5 Exemplify ethical practices of technology usage

Ethical Practices of Technology Use
            Ethics is more than just choosing between right and wrong. Most people confuse what is ethical with what is legal. These are similar terms, however; they are different. An action may be legal but unethical, or illegal but ethical. Many people use the internet for research and in doing so they violate ethical and legal practices. It is important that before students do internet research that they are aware of plagiarism and copyright laws. Before classroom teachers allow students to use the internet for research or any other type of work, they must equip students with knowledge concerning ethics and the use of the internet so that they exemplify ethical practices of technology usage.  
Principles and Theories
            The Constructivist theory states that learning is an active process of constructing rather than acquiring knowledge. The lesson used in this assignment asks students to do research using the internet. The teacher serves as a guide who facilitates the lesson through mentoring. The purpose of the lesson used in this paper is to link information that is already known by gathering data, drawing conclusions and answering questions from research information. In the Constructivist view this type of learning allows learners to practice reflective and high-order thinking skills in order to answer questions or form solutions (Dabbagh, 2006).               
            The use of the internet in this lesson allows students to actively research information and apply skills and knowledge. In doing so, the student must remember the ethical rules of conducting internet research in order not to violate copyright or plagiarism laws. In redesigning this lesson the instructor prepares the learners not just for the task, but for using the tool in the real world (Dabbagh, 2006).  The students are also allowed to conduct interviews in the lesson.  Students will have to recall and reflect upon prior knowledge in order to adequately and properly record the details for this assignment. 
            Redesigning the lesson required changing the instruction so that the students could conduct research and formulate their own questions. The greatest challenge in redesigning this activity was how to decide if students were using ethical practices in recording their research findings. It is often difficult to prevent plagiarism and copyright infringements not because students are dishonest, but because they do not know the rules concerning the two. In redesigning this lesson, the instructor must review and remind the students of internet protocol when it comes to conducting research.
The Lesson
  • What do you know? 
The students have chosen professions and careers that they would like to pursue as adults.
  • What do you want to know? 
I want to know why the students chose their specific profession or career.  In addition, I want to know if the students are aware of the job responsibilities, skills and requirements for the profession or career they chose.
  • What are you trying to measure, determine, or define? 
I am trying to determine whether or not the students know how to evaluate, select and organize information. I want to determine whether or not the students can draw conclusions from research and set realistic and appropriate goals. In addition, I want to determine whether or not the students can search various sources to find answers to questions.
  • How will you collect and record information. 
The students will use the internet and other classroom resources such as books or magazines to research their chosen profession.  I will also allow the students to conduct interviews with people who work in their chosen professions. The students will answer questions pertaining to their research and record them in their student journals. The journals will be submitted for grading.
  • How will you report the information you collect? 
I will inform the students about their scores through one-on-one discussions. I will also report the information on the student’s progress reports. In addition, I will use this information in planning to discuss with other teachers so that we can access what we as teachers need to add, improve or delete from this lesson series in order to further student learning and comprehension and meet the course objectives.
  • Are all interested groups included in planning and conducting the needs assessment?
The groups included in the planning are the grade level planning staff, students, professionals being interviewed and the teacher.
Objective: Using resources selected by both the students and the teacher, the students will
 research their future careers/professions and summarize their findings with no errors in spelling and grammar.
Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to link information that is already known by gathering data, drawing conclusions and answering questions from research information.
            Prior to beginning this assignment the students chose a career or profession they would like to pursue after high school.  The lesson will begin with the teacher explaining the purpose of the lesson. The teacher will explain to the students that the lesson is about locating sources of information and gathering conclusions. Whereas, the information being gathered is important; the teacher will emphasize to the students the importance of knowing how to analyze and summarize the information.  
            Next, the teacher will present the students with the following list of questions. The teacher will explain each question in detail and allow the students to ask questions.
1.     What are the educational or technical skills and requirements for your chosen career?
2.     What is the average salary/wage in your state for the career or profession chosen?
3.     What are the job responsibilities or requirements for your profession?
4.     What is the current employment rate for this profession?
5.     Discuss the available job markets for this profession.
6.     Based on your research, why do you think this is the appropriate profession for you?
  The students have reference books and magazines available for use in this assignment. Some students have also conducted personal interviews with professionals.  In addition, the teacher will provide the students with the following web resource:
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics:
The teacher will inform the students that the source of the information for each question needs to be recorded.
EDU 697 REVISION: Prior to beginning the lesson the teacher will review and discuss with the students the rules for citing and using information gathered from the internet. The students will review the information about their chosen profession and formulate their own list of questions. The students will use classroom resources and conduct their own internet searches to find information. The teacher will answer questions pertaining to the lesson and assist students who need help in their internet search.
            Research activities can be extremely frustrating, especially if students do not know how to make connections between what they already know and their lives. It can also be unethical if students do not know how to cite and properly use the information they find.  The internet can be a valuable tool for conducting research if the users adhere to certain ethical practices. Information obtained must be properly cited so that the owner of the information is given credit. Classroom teachers must teach and equip students with internet ethics and fair practice rules before they allow them to conduct research online.

Dabbagh, N. (2006). Instructional design knowledge base. Retrieved from
May 2013 Occupation Profiles. (n.d.). U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved July 2, 2014, from

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