Thursday, May 14, 2015

PLO 7 & 8

  • This lesson demonstrates PLO 8 "Demonstrate the ability to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of learning and leadership" 

  • It also demonstrates PLO 7 "Utilize technology to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings." 
In action research teachers must know how to  collect and analyze data and apply the results to issues in their classroom.

Supporting Learning and Leadership with Technology

            Not only must teachers know when to implement technology into instruction, they must also know how. Implementing technology into instruction involves careful planning and know-how that allows the students to learn from and with the technology being used. In addition, there are ethical concerns and issues that teachers must address before using technology in the classroom. As classroom leader’s teachers must equip students with knowledge and necessary information so that that their privacy is protected and they do not infringe on the privacy or rights of others. Teachers themselves must know certain information about the students learning styles and preferences. The activity used in this paper “demonstrates the ability to make informed decisions regarding the use technology in support of learning and leadership”.
Principles and Theories
             In the activity used in this assignment the teacher does research on the student before deciding how to use technology to support learning. This allowed the teacher to learn about the behaviors, attitudes and learning preferences of the learner. This activity is constructed based on the Constructivist learning theory. This theory allows students to be active participants in the learning process. The intervention in this research is the use of computer games to get the student interested in reading. This is done to improve the students overall reading fluency and comprehensions skills.
            This assignment also addressed some ethical issues regarding teaching, learning and leadership. The individual is a minor and the teacher or researcher had to acquire certain permissions. Because the redesign for this activity calls for the researcher to share the information with other teachers in the district, it is important that the participant’s privacy is maintained and that everyone involved adheres to certain ethical principles. Sharing the information collaboratively will help create a database of information for teachers within the school district. Wagner and Ice (2012), discussed the impact of “Big Data” and one of its key distinctions can be applied to the lesson used in paper.
With Big Data you can easily get false correlations, for instance, "On Mondays, people who drive to work are more likely to get the flu." If you look at the data using traditional methods, that may actually be true, but the problem is why is it true? Is it causal? Is it just an accident? You don't know. Normal analysis methods won't suffice to answer those questions. What we have to come up with is new ways to test the causality of connections in the real world far more than we have ever had to do before. We no can no longer rely on laboratory experiments; we need to actually do the experiments in the real world.
Traditional research methods are often irrelevant because they do not address the specific needs of the classroom. Using action research, the teacher is able to address specific and individual needs relating to their actual classroom. The redesign for this assignment allows for sharing and collaboration because teachers benefit more from research they collect themselves as opposed to using traditional research methods.  Sharing and collaboration will allow the teacher to gain other perspectives, ideas and insights that may have been overlooked.
            One of the biggest challenges with this activity was trying to find a lesson that best expressed the learning outcome. Once the lesson was found, trying to decide which learning theory best described it was difficult because it can appears to be a mix of several learning theories. The Cognitive theory views learning as an active process that occurs within the learner and which can be influenced by the learner (Dabbagh, 2006).  Additional research had to be done in order to determine whether or not this lesson was based on this principle or the Constructivist principle. However, because the lesson allowed the learner to build personal interpretation of the world based on experiences and interactions, (varies methods used by the researcher) it was concluded that this lesson relates more to the Constructivist view of learning (Dabbagh, 2006).
            Teachers must structure activities and learning environments so that learners are fully engaged in their learning. Active learning such as the concept presented in this paper has many challenges that both the teacher and student must address.  In addition to ethical issues, teachers must also change the way they think about teaching and learning.  Successful implementation of technology can change the way teachers and students manage, store, and share their work to enhance learning. The role of the teacher or leader in using technology in instruction is to make the use of technology in instruction as effective as paper, pencil, and book methods of instruction.

Dabbagh, N. (2006). Instructional design knowledge base. Retrieved from
Wagner, E., & Ice, P. (2012, July/August). Data changes everything: Delivering on the promise of learning analytics in higher education. Educause Review, 33-42. Retrieved from

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